Game Designer
I am currently a Freelance Producer and Level Designer for Triple Threat Games, a US based team working on the movement shooter Exorush. I graduated with a degree in Game Design from Fitchburg State University after studying for 4 years, and this is a collection of what I've worked on in school and during my own time. I have a passion for Production, Level Design, Narrative Design, and Systems Design, and have been working with each since 2018 on my own time. Take a look at what I've done and feel free to get in touch if you’d like to discuss potential opportunities to work together.

Roles: Producer, Lead Narrative Designer
Team size: 9
​Mystery of the Time-Slowed Castle Was created for the Fall 2022 Fitchburg State University Game Jam, and is a near system agnostic TTRPG adventure where players seeks out the cause of a time dilation in a castle they were invited to.